For more than thirty years the Church has been tom by a conflict that revolves around the question of the Liturgy. In this instructive and practical work, Denis Crouan has two purposes in mind. On the one hand, he analyzes the weight and validity of the arguments of the different liturgical factions in the Church. On the other hand, he makes accessible to everyone the instructions and directives that have been issued by the Magisterium that define a truly Catholic Liturgy in today’s Church.
An experienced theologian, Crouan attempts to show the underlying causes of the liturgical crisis that has been afflicting the Church. At the same time, his aim is to highlight the sort of pastoral action that would allow this crisis to be overcome. His solution is not a return to the past, nor is it to promote arbitrary innovations as regards the liturgical celebration of our faith. Rather, he champions a restoration of the individual authority of the bishops in bringing about, solely with the he1p of the official liturgical texts, the proper application of the principles c1early enunciated by Sacrosanctum Concilium, Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.