The Eucharistic Epiclesis: A Detailed History from the Patristic to the Modern Era
by John McKenna
The Eucharistic Epiclesis includes:
Part I: The Historical Heritage
Chapter 1: The Epiclesis in Early Liturgical Texts as a Basis of Interpretation
Possible Forerunners of the Developed Epiclesis
The Epiclesis in the Early Anaphoras
Chapter 2: The Epiclesis and the “Moment of Consecration” Problem: A Brief History
The Epilcesis in Patristic Writings
The Emergence of the Problem of the “Moment of Consecration”
Part II: The Interpretations of the 20th Century Liturgists and Theologians: The Epiclesis in the Shadow of the “Moment of Consecration” Problem
Chapter 3: Understanding of the Terminology of the 20th Century Writers
Primitive Meaning of the Word “Epiclesis” in 20th Century Writings
20th Century Descriptions of the Developed Epiclesis
Chapter 4: Reconstructions of the History of the Eucharistic Epiclesis
From Logos to Spirit Epiclesis
From Sanctification to Consecratory Epiclesis
From EPICLESIS to “Epiclesis”
From Appeal for Unity to Epiclesis Proper
Chapter 5: Theological Explanations of the Eucharistic Epiclesis
Epiclesis as a Consecration Formula
Epiclesis: Expression of the Church’s Consecratory Intention
Epiclesis within the Framework of a Consecratory EPICLESIS
Epiclesis as Realizing the Sacremantum
Epiclesis: Bond between “Consecration” and Communion
Epiclesis: Appeal for Unity
Epiclesis: Phenomenon of Liturgical Language
Chapter 6: The Epiclesis and the Structure of the Sacraments
The Epiclesis and the “Substantia Sacramenti”
The Epiclesis and the Praying, Believing Assembly
The Epiclesis and the Holy Spirit
Part III: Synthesis
Chapter 7: The Epiclesis and the “Moment of Consecration” Problem Reexamined
Within a Scholastic Framework
Within a Personalistic Framework
Implications of a Personalistic Approach for Epiclesis
Chapter 8: The Epiclesis and the Realization of the Eucharist
The Epiclesis and the Praying, Believing Assembly
The Epiclesis and the Holy Spirit
Is the Epiclesis Proper Necessary?
Hillebrand Books
Paperback, 286 pages