Every society, every workplace, every family is held together by personal commitments. Our words bind us to a course of action. And the most powerful promises of all are the words we use to mark the Christian sacraments. If society and the churches are in crisis, it may be because we are losing our ability to ‘keep our promises with each other and with God. In Swear to God. Scott Hahn explains how the sacraments are essential to our relationship with God; he restores the connection between sacred words and human action, and between promises and commitment.
Scott Hahn is unrivalled for the freshness and panache of his presentation of Christian teaching. His mixture of scripture, tradition and spirituality stimulates discussion by Catholic and Protestant alike. Once again, he combines brilliant biblical exegesis with theology that is both wholly original and wholly orthodox.
DLT Books, 2004. Paperback, 240 pp.