Organ and Monks of the Abbey of Fontgombault A selection of Gregorian Chant and organ pieces from the Mass and Office of the solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Tracklisting: 1. Organ Plein-jeu et fugue de d’Agincour 2. Introit Cogitationes 3. Kyrie III 4. Gloria II 5. Gradual Dulcis 6. Alleluia Tollite 7. Credo IV 8. Organ Choral de la Cantate 143 Bach 9. Offertory Improperium 10. Sanctus II 11. Agnus Dei II 12. Organ Trio de Dufay 13. Communion Unus 14. Organ Prelude and Fugue Bach 15. Invitatory and Antiphon Cor Jesu 16. Organ Choral de Neunhaber 17. Short responsory Ego dixi 18. Hymn En ut superba 19. Organ Chorale de Krebs 20. Magnificat Antiphon Ignem 21. Benedictus Antiphon Facta Sunt 22. Magnificat antiphon Ad Jesum autem 23. Organ Cromorne en taille de G. Corrette 24. Prolixa responsory Sicut dilexit 25. Organ Hymn Sacris solemniis – Girod