Vatican II mandated that the Church’s treasury of sacred music is to be preserved and cultivated with great care -in particular, Gregorian chant and Latin were to retain pride of place. That’s the last most Catholic heard of either. But a half-century before Vatican II, the great priest-liturgist Adrian Fortescue was doing for his own parishioners what the Church would later demand. How? By compiling the greatest Latin hymns of the ages-with his own exquisite translations-into one volume, for singing and meditation. This new facsimile edition reproduces the 1913 edition-as set by Stanley Morison, the finest typographer of his time. It also includes Fr. Fortescue’s original Preface and a new Afterword by Michael Davies. Please note that this book contains the words only – no musical notation.
Roman Catholic Books, 1994. Hardcover, 178 pp.