Issued in Summer 1998, this astonishingly beautirul Apostolic Letter of John Paul II unravels the wonderful spiritual and pastoral riches or Sunday – the Day of the Lord. Once discovered and the more fully lived out, these riches -firmly rooted in the power of Christ’s Passover and the Sunday Eucharist – truly provide Ihe ordinary man and woman of today with the rest they long for.
ln today’s world many calls are made on the best use of Sunday and the ‘weekend’, with a wide range of social, political and even commcrcial pressures coming to bear. Sunday is lived with different intensity in different parts of the Church. With that in mind, the holy Father offers a panorama of the history of the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day, and an excellent commentary on the centrality and importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Christian and of the community. The profound rellections made in this Lelter as to how pastors and faithful can today rediscover at the hands of Our Risen Lord what is ours, are inspiring and contribute greatly to the Church ‘s teaching and understanding.