Bishop Athanasius Schneider has published his second book on Eucharistic devotion in the hopes that it will foster greater reverence for the sacrament amongst the faithful.
Bishop Schneider is the auxiliary bishop of Kazakhstan in Central Asia – a country whose religious population is roughly seventy percent Muslim, and thirty percent Christian.
If people only knew the greatness of the Eucharist. We have to stress its greatness in homilies and in catechism.
When I recognize all the richness and deepness and divinity of the Eucharist of the Lamb of God, before whom the angels prostrate themselves in heaven – as we read in the Apocalypse – then I also have this spontaneous, natural desire to prostrate myself when I receive Him.
Referencing the lack of true devotion present in the attitudes of many in the presence of the Blessed sacrament, Bishop Schneider urges that “only when we try to cure this wound of the Eucharist, only then we will have a real and stable renewal of the Church. A Springtime.â€
Gracewing, 2014. Softcover, 72 pp.